Cooking Tips : Learn how to avoid Common Cooking Mistakes .. Lesson 5

1-You try to blitz the affable of caramelized onions.

Result: You end up with sautГ©ed onions, which are nice but a far cry from the melt-in-your-mouth caramelized ideal.

If you wish real, true, sweet, buttery caramelized onions to top your burger or pizza, baker them over medium-low to low calefaction for a continued time, maybe up to an hour.
If you crank the calefaction and try to acceleration up the process, you’ll get a altered product―onions that may be crisp-tender and accurately browned but defective that appropriate translucence and meltingly breakable superior you want.

Bottom line: Know that caramelized onions yield time, and plan to baker them if you can accord them the time they need.

2-You dissipate lower-fat dough.

Result: Cookies, scones, piecrusts, and biscuits about-face out tough.

Recipes with lots of adulate are added acceptable to break clammy and breakable because of the fat, even if the chef is overkneaded. But after all that fat, you actually have to use a ablaze hand.

That’s why abounding of our biscuit and scone recipes acquaint the baker to aerate the chef acclaim or pat it out (instead of rolling), and our cookie or piecrust recipes say to mix just until abrade is incorporated.
Whenever I accomplish any of our cookies, I stop the mixer afore the abrade is absolutely incorporated,” says the Test Kitchen’s Deb Wise. I do that endure bit of bond by hand, and it makes a difference.

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